Are there "Fake" and "Ghost" BPL Ration Cards, as Frequently Claimed?

Let's Find Out through the RTI given below

Please await the reply which, would be published in this page when received.



File No: RTI-GOK-PDS-Investigation


Tuesday, June 14, 2016




To: The CPIO, Food and Civil Supplies Department, Government of Karnataka


  1. Please quote our file reference in all your replies
  2. Please Reply in English – the language of the application
  3. Please permit me to inspect files held by you relevant to the subject matter of this RTI application


1. Full name of the applicant


Mathew Thomas

2.  Address




18 A, Adarsh Vista, Basavanagar, Marathahalli P O, Bangalore 560037

3.  Details of the information/ documents required:

  1. Estimated or detected quantity (weight in KGs) and value in Rupees (₹) of PDS food items lost and / or pilfered during each of the past 3 years, 2013, 2014 and 2015
  2. Copy of any document giving details of any investigation carried out to determine how the PDS food was lost / pilfered
  3. Total number of each category, namely, “Fake”, “Ghost”, cases of multiple BPL (Below Poverty Line) ration cards detected during each of the past two years, including current year i.e. 2015 and 2016. [Please note: 1. A “Fake” ration card is defined here as one where the ration card holder exists, but the details, like, address etc. are incorrect. 2. A “Ghost” ration card is one where the card holder does not exist, that is, there is no such person. 3. Multiple ration cards are defined as ration cards of the same person at same address or different addresses with minor changes in details, such as initials of name etc. changed in order to make believe that the card holders are different persons.]
  4. Copy of any document showing how and when the “Fake”, “Ghost” and “Multiple ration cards” were found out and action taken against erring officials responsible for the issue of the same



4. Year to which the document pertains

2013 to 2016

5. Designation and address of the Public Information Officer




PIO, Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Karnataka, Vikas Soudha, Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru, 560001

Particulars of initial fee of ₹  10 paid

Indian Postal Order Number:








DATE: Tuesday, June 14, 2016                                            SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT

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